

Absofunkinlutely Acoustic

Full band unplugged acoustic set

$600 3 hour set

Acoustic Duo

Mike Conklin and Dan Loyens acoustic covers, guitar and vocals

$500 2 hour set

Acoustic Trio

Mike Conklin, Dan Loyens and Georgios Giannios acoustic set, guitar, keys and sax

$600 2 hour Set

Acoustic Quartet

Absofunkinlutely no drums acoustic set, originals and covers, guitar, bass, keys and sax

$600 3 hour set

Acoustic Duo

Mike Conklin and Drew Crossman acoustic set, guitar and bass

$500 2 hour set


Parties In CT

Absofunkinlutely live at your event in CT

$800 and up 3 hour set

Venues in New Haven & Fairfield

Absofunkinlutely live at your venue in New Haven and Fairfield counties

$700 and up 3 hour set

Parties Outside of CT

Absofunkinlutely live at your event in NY, MA or RI

$1000 and up 3 hour set

Venues outside New Haven & Fairfield

Absofunkinlutely live outside New Haven and Fairfield counties

$800 and up 3 hour set

Festivals & Benefits

Absofunkinlutely live at your event in CT, NY, MA or RI

3 hour set


Absofunkinlutely live music on a flatbed truck, powered by generator CT only


Powered by Generator

No power? No problem. We will bring our own generator.

